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How to remove kiosk mode once deployed ?

Hi there, so I have deployed a Kiosk Mode policy on some Android Enterprise Devices, fully managed. I first created a Android Enterprise Device Policy then enrolled some brand new android devices at initial setup, as per the instructions. it went well. then I added to my device policy the Kiosk Mode configuration, with the selected app, then I synchronised from Central. It went through as expected, the devices switched to kiosk mode with just the app and you could do nothing else.

Problemen is I wasn't able to remove or deactivate the Kiosk Mode configuration: I tried removing the Kiosk Mode configuration from my device policy and then synchronising, but the synch task doesn't go through. When you click on Tasks in Central Mobile, yhou see the sync task listed with a, orange status saying approved or on hold, but never Success. I tried creating a new Device Policy without Kiosk Mode in it then applying that policy to the devices, but no success there too, still stuck to kiosk mode. I even deleted all policies and the devices too, removed them from Central Mobile, still they are stuck on Kiosk Mode.

In the end, I had to force a factory reset by restarting the android devices in debug mode (hold power button + volume up).

Can you tell me what is the proper procedure to remove or deactivate Kiosk Mode ?

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