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Actions does not work right after reboot Android device, but before entering device Pincode

Maybe its just me. But why is it that you cannot use actions like  refresh data, reset password of Wipe on a managed device that had been just tuned on withhout entering the user pincode at least 1 time?

I don't know about other Sophos users, but when do I need Reset Password or Wipe action the most? -> When an old non wiped device is cold booted (for instance a former employe device I want to re-use) and I want to wipe it or want to get past the former users pincode.  And then these actions are useless because they stop at "Notified"

Solutions? except the painstaking route with Android Recovery Mode?

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  • Hello Shweta, I supose the truth is in the middle. Testing with a Samsung A8 Android 9 with Knox KME is showing me that wiping of a device before entering the pincode after cold boot, is indeed working. Makes sense when you state that Sophos must be installed before the device pincode is set for the first time. KME is forcing Sophos setup a the very first steps after unboxing a phone.

    I guess my older devices without KME enrollment have this problem. After a cold boot and in case of a forgotten device password, Sophos is unable to factory reset the device, even when the device is connected to internet, because its needs the pincode first, at least 1 time. But we don't know the pin etc. Kind a chicken or the egg first situation.