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Push apps to managed device

i have some apps configured in my console, i have 1 device setup

i try and install an app, but fails


2019-11-12 09:38:01,586 ERROR [com.sophos.mobilecontrol.server.worker.objectprocessor.AppInstallObjectProcessor] (EJB default - 2) cancel install app transition because Device [deviceId=10004, deviceGroupId=2, customerId=1, name=I******n, email=i*******@************u, osId=13, userId=2, lastSeenDate=2019-11-12 09:37:18.673,lastAppSyncDate=2019-11-12 09:37:18.673,deviceOwner=corporate, modelName=Oppo AX5s, managedState=managed, managementType=AFW_DEVICE_OWNED, compliant=true, easState=ALLOWED_BY_COMPLIANCE, nacState=ALLOWED_BY_COMPLIANCE, containerState=ALLOWED_BY_COMPLIANCE, complianceViolationSeverity=COMPLIANT, Base [tan=27, updateDate=2019-11-12 09:37:18.703, insertDate=2019-08-22 08:24:55.607, updatedby=s****m, insertedby=S****n]] is Android for Work-enrolled but AfW user id is unknown


any help greatly appreciated

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