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Android Enterprise - Work managed Device with Work Profile

Hi Guys,

does anybody know how can i enroll an android device into a work managed device with work profile? Also known as cope mode (corporate owned personally enabled). Is this enrollment scenario possible in Sophos 9? Because this is very interesting for a customer. 

Has anybody more information about this?


Thanks a lot.




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Parents Reply
  • Hi Stephan,

    very interesting question. At the moment we handle Android devices only with a work profile, although we have COPE. But this is in reality more for BYOD, because you don’t have much control over the device.

    If I remember correctly, you don’t have a complete Play Store in a managed device, that’s what stoped us from this.

    Problem in real world is often you hear everything is possible it depends on your requirements. But some best practices for such a product I would welcome.

    Best regards



  • I've just tried this again. In the COPE model, I think users should at least be able to use the Playstore.
    This is therefore not possible, because if you apply a simple device profile to the device, you can no longer apply an Enterprise Work profile. If you start with an Enterprise Device Profile, I don't see any way to use the Playstore for the private part.
    So only BYOD remains even if it should be COPE. In other words, there is only an Enterprise Work Profile on the device. Or has someone else been able to realize this?

    Best Regards

