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How do I get rid of a >>> Virus 'Linux/BitCoin-B'

I have had this virus on my linux machine for some time now >>> Virus 'Linux/BitCoin-B' and I scanned and detected it and removed with sophos but it keeps coming back the next day, I have tried other products but no sucess, has anyone encoutered such a virus before on linux and successfully removed it permanently? i need help. thank you

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  • thank you for your answers, I tried the remove command weeks back but it still returns, i will tried your first option when i find a perfect time to shutdown the server. but the SMaRT tool seems, June 2015. from the listed tools, i guess it will have to be the SOI. i hope it solves the problem. thank you

  • Hi Richard,

    You said it comes back every day, does it do it at the same time each day? 

    Is this a home machine or for example connected to an office network? if it is connected to a network you could disconnect it from that (keep it on the internet) and see if the detections comes back. if it doesn't then it is likely another machine on the network is actually infected and is dropping the file onto your linux box. 

    If ti does come back then do the same test but this time also disconnect it from the internet and see if it comes back, if not then there must be something hiding on your machine that is downloading it each day. The SOI tool you referenced would be good for this except for it is a Windows command prompt tool. 

    If you narrow it down to coming from the internet you could try and spot the network traffic using a tool such as Wireshark, this may give you an address you could block or point in the direction of what is making the connection.

  • well this is a linux server machine connected on a office network, I had similar issue on a windows server and it was easier to solver unlike the linux machine. I guess SMaRT will not be able to help in this case, I will try scanning again while the machine is offline. thank you