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threat alerts

Hi! I am new to this forum.

When I ran Sophos Free ; I received the following messages

Terry’s MacBook Air
Manual cleanup required: 'Troj/PDFJs-ABG' at '/Volumes/time machine space/Backups.backupdb/Terry’s MacBook Air/2014-10-20-212626/Macintosh HD/Users/terryausterweil/Library/Mail/V2/'
Mar 30, 2017 1:00 PM
More Info Ignore
Terry’s MacBook Air
Manual cleanup required: 'OSX/Geonei-A' at '/Volumes/time machine space/Backups.backupdb/Terry’s MacBook Air/2014-10-20-212626/Macintosh HD/Library/Frameworks/GenieoExtra.framework/Contents/Library/LaunchServices/com.genieoinnovation.macextension.client'
Mar 30, 2017 12:04 PM

I dont understand if these mean that the viruses/malware have been quarantined but the they still exist in my machine and require manual steps to remove the virus code or that the viruses/malware still exist and still present a danger?

Also, I cannot understand what step are required to remove these viruses/malware from my macair,especially without endangering undermining the operating system etc.

Any advice would be appreciated


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  • Hello art austerweil,

    threats (or better, the files containing them) which require manual cleanup (or which for some reason haven't been cleaned up) still reside on your Mac. If On-Access scanning is active it will anyway protect you from them though.

    If you ran a full scan (or it did automatically run after installation) and you received no other messages like these the threats reside inside backups (looks like an old backup from 2014) only and thus present no (immediate) danger. The first one is in an attachment of a mail message that's likely gone for good.
    The second (OSX/Geonei-A) is some AdWare, again it seems it's no longer present on the actual HD volume.

    Please see item 18 in How to remove malware from a Mac OS X computer if you want to remove them from the backup. 


  • Hello art austerweil,

    threats (or better, the files containing them) which require manual cleanup (or which for some reason haven't been cleaned up) still reside on your Mac. If On-Access scanning is active it will anyway protect you from them though.

    If you ran a full scan (or it did automatically run after installation) and you received no other messages like these the threats reside inside backups (looks like an old backup from 2014) only and thus present no (immediate) danger. The first one is in an attachment of a mail message that's likely gone for good.
    The second (OSX/Geonei-A) is some AdWare, again it seems it's no longer present on the actual HD volume.

    Please see item 18 in How to remove malware from a Mac OS X computer if you want to remove them from the backup. 


  • Thank you -- sorry for delay between taxes and med items been busy

    Yes, I did run a full scan that produced these threats, after updating sophos-when I ran sophos previously didnt pickup on these threats, guess the update added new signatures

    I just connected my backup drive and went to the time machine backup and went to the 2014-10-20-212626 backup folder and deleted it

    Apparently time machine does some storing on the HD as well as mostly on the separate backup drive, dont know how that works exactly

    I am going to rerun sophos to see if anything changes in terms of these 2 threats.

    Hope this helps