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Issues with Sophos Technical Support!!

I work a small IT firm that services both residential and business clients.

I currently have an open case with Sophos technical support. They have been giving me the runaround for 2 weeks now.

We have been having this issue where our AP55c's keep dropping off of our XG firewall. According to Sophos support this is a brand new firmware issue that we have discovered?!?

My main question here is: has anyone ever had to traverse hell and back to get a firmware issue fixed? My main problem is not how long it is taking to fix. If this is a new issue, I understand. What I do not understand - why they are being zero transparent with us at all. Everyday they just say it will probably be fixed tomorrow. 7 tomorrows have come and gone. No results.

This client is a larger business that we service and this is the first job we have done for them. At this point we are putting a different brand of access points to get them by. This is probably the death-nail in our relationship with Sophos.

We have never had any other issues with Sophos so far. We became a reseller last year and have put in probably 10 other Sophos systems without issue.


All I want is for Sophos to be nice, normal, and TRANSPARENT. Why would you give a company THAT TALKS UP AND SELLS YOUR EQUIPMENT the cold shoulder. Just disappointing.

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  • Hi

    Apologies again for the delay and thank you for your continued patience and participation during the troubleshooting process.

    I have been in close communication with the global escalations engineer assigned to your case. They have been actively communicating with you on a daily basis regarding the status of the investigation.

    The latest activity shows that they were able to isolate the cause of your Access Point issue to be related with your faulty Cisco switch not allowing ARPs to pass through. After the switch was replaced, all the affected AP's have gone back online.

    Please continue to monitor your environment to ensure the issue is resolved. Don't hesitate to reach out to me should you have any further questions or concerns.


    Director, Global Community & Digital Support

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  • Hi

    Apologies again for the delay and thank you for your continued patience and participation during the troubleshooting process.

    I have been in close communication with the global escalations engineer assigned to your case. They have been actively communicating with you on a daily basis regarding the status of the investigation.

    The latest activity shows that they were able to isolate the cause of your Access Point issue to be related with your faulty Cisco switch not allowing ARPs to pass through. After the switch was replaced, all the affected AP's have gone back online.

    Please continue to monitor your environment to ensure the issue is resolved. Don't hesitate to reach out to me should you have any further questions or concerns.


    Director, Global Community & Digital Support

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