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Unusual response to Sample Submission

Hello all,

yesterday I submitted samples of Mal/Generic-S detections. The overall circumstances suggested a not-too-complex and not-too-malicious threat. In that past in sich cases it took not more than a few hours for a specific detection to be written and released.
This time I got the following response to case #8482303:

According to Sophos Labs what is the reason for submission FP or FN?

Huh? Since when does a submission of Mal/Generic-S (the first option, that I always understood as please do) imply that the reason is that I assume it is false (either FP or FN)? Furthermore - doesn't FN mean that I did not get a detection? Or does FN now encompass generic-instead-of-specific? , can you enlighten me [:)]?

Has the submission workflow been changed? I did receive the automated reply stating the usual: Our systems will analyze your sample(s) and return an automated response .... To my knowledge the samples have always been fed to the automaton. Perhaps they required release by a technician, but I can't remember any submission where the check hasn't been performed before I have been asked for further information or received a comment by a human on the files' nature.

: I'm not complaining but the response, whether indeed a forwarded request by Labs or not, seems a little bit terse.


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