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questions about spoofs

We just setup Sophos Email Gateway on top of GSuite... everything works, followed the setup and turn on all warnings 

Spam Filtering - turned on tag subject line

End-user message settings - turned on all smart banners

Sender Check - turned on tag subject line

then ran this test

E9 and E10 emails were not flagged by Sophos Gateway any way (which is honestly a bit odd)

none of the test emails E1 to E10 showed smart banners of any kind though all other emails do


thank you


Edited tags
[edited by: Raphael Alganes at 1:18 AM (GMT -7) on 8 Jun 2023]
Parents Reply
  • I just opened my inbox

    - there are some emails with no banner from random outside domains (some even flagged as bulk)

    - emails from have green banner though they clearly impersonate our domain, the email came with striped dkim though our domain clearly says it must use sophos dkim, I am also very unsure how sophos makes sure outgoing emails are truly coming from us, there is no real auth between google email server and sophos gateway (blind trust i guess)
