Hi everyone,
I'm planning to add some Sophos API functions into an in-house application written in C#. At the moment I'm just working on a scratch app so that I can test code for authenticating, getting a token etc. without affecting live code, but I'm struggling to get a token from the API. The code so far looks like this:
try { using (var client = new HttpClient()) { var body = $"grant_type=client_credentials&client_id={SophosClientID}&client_secret={SophosClientSecret}&scope=token"; using (var msg = new HttpRequestMessage { RequestUri = new Uri(SophosAPIUrl), // https://id.sophos.com/api/v2/oauth2/token Method = HttpMethod.Post, Content = new StringContent(body, Encoding.UTF8, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") }) { var result = client.SendAsync(msg).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if(result != null) { var token = result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); UpdateTextBox(token); } else { UpdateTextBox("Result was null"); } } } } catch(Exception ex) { UpdateTextBox($"Process failed: {ex.Message}"); }
The values for SophosClientID and SophosClientSecret are from the API credentials page. I've test with CURL and it works OK but the code above always returns a "Bad Request" error. I'd be grateful for any advice/tips on how to get this working.