API SIEM in Qradar


I'm using the SIEM API in Qradar and it works when I run the command manually but, when I configure a crontab with the command "*/10 * * * * python3 /root/Sophos-Central-SIEM-Integration-master/siem.py" it is not working.

If I run the command from a different directory where the siem.py file is located I see this error:

[root@invqrdraio log]# python3 /root/Sophos-Central-SIEM-Integration-master/siem.py -c
Usage: siem.py [options]

siem.py: error: -c option requires 1 argument
[root@invqrdraio log]# python3 /root/Sophos-Central-SIEM-Integration-master/siem.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/configparser.py", line 1138, in _unify_values
sectiondict = self._sections[section]
KeyError: 'login'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/Sophos-Central-SIEM-Integration-master/siem.py", line 413, in <module>
File "/root/Sophos-Central-SIEM-Integration-master/siem.py", line 408, in main
config_data = load_config(options.config)
File "/root/Sophos-Central-SIEM-Integration-master/siem.py", line 352, in load_config
cfg.format = cfg.format.lower()
File "/root/Sophos-Central-SIEM-Integration-master/config.py", line 28, in __getattr__
return self.config.get("login", name)
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/configparser.py", line 781, in get
d = self._unify_values(section, vars)
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/configparser.py", line 1141, in _unify_values
raise NoSectionError(section)
configparser.NoSectionError: No section: 'login'
[root@invqrdraio log]#

  • Hi,

    Thanks for reaching out to the Sophos Community Forum. 

    I suggest editing the path you have listed for "python3". Try adding the full path leading up to python3 followed by the same argument.
    eg: */10 * * * * usr/local/bin/python3 /root/Sophos-Central-SIEM-Integration-master/siem.py

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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  • Hi,

    I was reviewing the information and in Qradar the python3 is not located in /usr/local/bin, it is in the path /usr/bin. I tried using the full path /usr/bin/python3 /root/Sophos-Central-SIEM-Integration-master/siem.py and I'm still seeing the same error:

    [root@invqrdraio bin]# /usr/bin/python3 /root/Sophos-Central-SIEM-Integration-master/siem.py
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/configparser.py", line 1138, in _unify_values
    sectiondict = self._sections[section]
    KeyError: 'login'

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/root/Sophos-Central-SIEM-Integration-master/siem.py", line 413, in <module>
    File "/root/Sophos-Central-SIEM-Integration-master/siem.py", line 408, in main
    config_data = load_config(options.config)
    File "/root/Sophos-Central-SIEM-Integration-master/siem.py", line 352, in load_config
    cfg.format = cfg.format.lower()
    File "/root/Sophos-Central-SIEM-Integration-master/config.py", line 28, in __getattr__
    return self.config.get("login", name)
    File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/configparser.py", line 781, in get
    d = self._unify_values(section, vars)
    File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/configparser.py", line 1141, in _unify_values
    raise NoSectionError(section)
    configparser.NoSectionError: No section: 'login'
    [root@invqrdraio bin]#

  • Could you share the full .py script you have with any sensitive information removed? If you don't wish to post here, you're welcome to contact me via PM.

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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  • Yes, no problem.

    #!/usr/bin/env python3

    # Copyright 2019-2021 Sophos Limited
    # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    # You may obtain a copy of the License at: www.apache.org/.../LICENSE-2.0
    # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is
    # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or
    # implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
    # License.
    import sys
    import json
    import logging
    import logging.handlers
    import os
    import re
    import state
    from optparse import OptionParser
    import name_mapping
    import config
    import api_client
    import vercheck

    VERSION = "2.1.0"
    QUIET = False
    DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = "event"

    SEVERITY_MAP = {"none": 0, "low": 1, "medium": 5, "high": 8, "very_high": 10}

    CEF_CONFIG = {
    "cef.version": "0",
    "cef.device_vendor": "sophos",
    "cef.device_product": "sophos central",
    "cef.device_version": 1.0,

    # CEF format from www.protect724.hpe.com/.../DOC-1072
    CEF_FORMAT = (

    # This is used for mapping CEF header prefix and extension to json returned by server
    # CEF header prefix to json mapping
    # Format
    # CEF_header_prefix: JSON_key
    "device_event_class_id": "type",
    "name": "name",
    "severity": "severity",
    # json to CEF extension mapping
    # Format
    # JSON_key: CEF_extension
    "source": "suser",
    "when": "end",
    "user_id": "duid",
    "created_at": "rt",
    "full_file_path": "filePath",
    "location": "dhost",

    # Initialize the SIEM_LOGGER
    SIEM_LOGGER = logging.getLogger("SIEM")
    SIEM_LOGGER.propagate = False

    def is_valid_fqdn(fqdn):
    fqdn = fqdn.strip()
    fqdn = fqdn[:-1] if fqdn.endswith(".") else fqdn # chomp trailing period
    return fqdn and len(fqdn) < 256 and all(part and len(part) < 64 and re.match(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9]+(-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$", part) for part in fqdn.split("."))

    def convert_to_valid_fqdn(value):
    return ".".join([re.sub("[^-a-z0-9]+", "-", x.strip()).strip("-") for x in value.lower().split(".") if x.strip()])

    def write_json_format(results):
    """Write JSON format data.
    results {list}: data
    for i in results:
    i = remove_null_values(i)
    name_mapping.update_fields(log, i)
    SIEM_LOGGER.info(json.dumps(i, ensure_ascii=False).strip())

    def write_keyvalue_format(results):
    """Write key value format data.
    results {dict}: results
    for i in results:
    i = remove_null_values(i)
    name_mapping.update_fields(log, i)
    date = i[u"rt"]
    # TODO: Spaces/quotes/semicolons are not escaped here, does it matter?
    events = list('%s="%s";' % (k, v) for k, v in i.items())
    " ".join(
    + events

    def write_cef_format(results):
    """Write CEF format data.
    results {list}: data
    for i in results:
    i = remove_null_values(i)
    name_mapping.update_fields(log, i)

    # Flattening JSON objects in Python
    # medium.com/.../flattening-json-objects-in-python-f5343c794b10
    def flatten_json(y):
    out = {}

    def flatten(x, name=""):
    if type(x) is dict:
    for a in x:
    flatten(x[a], name + a + "_")
    out[name[:-1]] = x

    return out

    def log(s):
    """Write the log.
    log_message {string} -- log content
    if not QUIET:
    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % s)

    def format_prefix(data):
    """ pipe and backslash in header must be escaped. escape group with backslash
    data {string}: data
    string -- backslash escape string
    # pipe and backslash in header must be escaped
    # escape group with backslash
    return re.compile(r"([|\\])").sub(r"\\\1", data)

    def format_extension(data):
    """ equal sign and backslash in extension value must be escaped. escape group with backslash.
    data : data
    string/list -- backslash escape string or return same value
    if type(data) is str:
    return re.compile(r"([=\\])").sub(r"\\\1", data)
    return data

    def map_severity(severity):
    if severity in SEVERITY_MAP:
    return SEVERITY_MAP[severity]
    msg = 'The "%s" severity can not be mapped, defaulting to 0' % severity
    return SEVERITY_MAP["none"]

    def extract_prefix_fields(data):
    """ extract prefix fields and remove those from data dictionary
    data {dict}: data
    fields {dict} -- fields object
    name_field = CEF_MAPPING["name"]
    device_event_class_id_field = CEF_MAPPING["device_event_class_id"]
    severity_field = CEF_MAPPING["severity"]

    name = data.get(name_field, MISSING_VALUE)
    name = format_prefix(name)
    data.pop(name_field, None)

    device_event_class_id = data.get(device_event_class_id_field, MISSING_VALUE)
    device_event_class_id = format_prefix(device_event_class_id)
    data.pop(device_event_class_id_field, None)

    severity = data.get(severity_field, MISSING_VALUE)
    severity = map_severity(severity)
    data.pop(severity_field, None)

    fields = {
    "name": name,
    "device_event_class_id": device_event_class_id,
    "severity": severity,
    "version": CEF_CONFIG["cef.version"],
    "device_vendor": CEF_CONFIG["cef.device_vendor"],
    "device_version": CEF_CONFIG["cef.device_version"],
    "device_product": CEF_CONFIG["cef.device_product"],
    return fields

    def update_cef_keys(data):
    """ Replace if there is a mapped CEF key
    data {dict}: data
    # Replace if there is a mapped CEF key
    for key, value in list(data.items()):
    new_key = CEF_MAPPING.get(key, key)
    if new_key == key:
    if new_key == "dhost" and not is_valid_fqdn(value):
    value = convert_to_valid_fqdn(value)
    data[new_key] = value
    del data[key]

    def format_cef(data):
    """ Message CEF formatted
    data {dict}: data
    data {str}: message
    fields = extract_prefix_fields(data)
    msg = CEF_FORMAT % fields

    for index, (key, value) in enumerate(data.items()):
    value = format_extension(value)
    if index > 0:
    msg += " %s=%s" % (key, value)
    msg += "%s=%s" % (key, value)
    return msg

    def remove_null_values(data):
    """ Removed null value
    data {dict}: data
    data {dict}: update data
    return {k: v for k, v in data.items() if v is not None}

    def parse_args_options():
    """ Parsed the command line arguments
    options {dict}: options data
    global QUIET
    if "SOPHOS_SIEM_HOME" in os.environ:
    app_path = os.environ["SOPHOS_SIEM_HOME"]
    # Setup path
    app_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd())

    config_file = os.path.join(app_path, "config.ini")

    parser = OptionParser(
    description="Download event and/or alert data and output to various formats. "
    "config.ini is a configuration file that exists by default in the siem-scripts "
    "Script keeps tab of its state, it will always pick-up from where it left-off "
    "based on a state file stored in state folder. Set SOPHOS_SIEM_HOME environment "
    "variable to point to the folder where config.ini, mapping files, state "
    "and log folders will be located. state and log folders are created when the "
    "script is run for the first time. "
    help="Return results since specified Unix "
    "Timestamp, max last 24 hours, defaults to "
    "last 12 hours if there is no state file",
    help="Specify a configuration file, " "defaults to config.ini",
    help="Ignore noisy events - web control, "
    "device control, update failure, "
    "application allowed, (non)compliant",
    "-d", "--debug", default=False, action="store_true", help="Print debug logs"
    "-v", "--version", default=False, action="store_true", help="Print version"
    help="Suppress status messages",

    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    if options.config is None:
    parser.error("Need a config file specified")

    if options.version:
    if options.quiet:
    QUIET = True

    return options

    def load_config(config_path):
    """ Get config file data
    config_path {str}: config file path
    cfg {dice}: config.ini data
    cfg = config.Config(config_path)
    cfg.format = cfg.format.lower()
    cfg.endpoint = cfg.endpoint.lower()
    return cfg

    def validate_format(format):
    if format not in ("json", "keyvalue", "cef"):
    raise Exception("Invalid format in config.ini, format can be json, cef or keyvalue")

    def validate_endpoint(endpoint):
    endpoint_map = api_client.ENDPOINT_MAP
    if endpoint not in endpoint_map:
    raise Exception("Invalid endpoint in config.ini, endpoint can be event, alert or all")

    def get_alerts_or_events(endpoint, options, config, state):
    """ Get alerts/events data
    endpoint {str}: endpoint name
    options {dict}: options
    config {dict}: config file details
    state {dict}: state file details
    api_client_obj = api_client.ApiClient(endpoint, options, config, state)
    results = api_client_obj.get_alerts_or_events()

    if config.format == "json":
    elif config.format == "keyvalue":
    elif config.format == "cef":

    def run(options, config_data, state):
    """ Call the fetch alerts/events method
    options {dict}: options
    config_data {dict}: config file details
    state {dict}: state file details
    endpoint_map = api_client.ENDPOINT_MAP
    if config_data.endpoint in endpoint_map:
    tuple_endpoint = endpoint_map[config_data.endpoint]
    tuple_endpoint = endpoint_map[DEFAULT_ENDPOINT]

    for endpoint in tuple_endpoint:
    endpoint, options, config_data, state

    def main():
    options = parse_args_options()
    config_data = load_config(options.config)
    state_data = state.State(options, config_data.state_file_path)
    run(options, config_data, state_data)

    if __name__ == "__main__":

    I didn't modify the siem.py file, i just edited the config.ini as you can see in the documentation.


  • Where the readme states to define "SOPHOS_SIEM_HOME" are you able to see a log folder present in the directory defined with this environment variable? 

    Is any additional information shown?

    I was also able to locate a similar issue raised in the "Issues" section of the original GitHub Repo. 

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
    Connect with Sophos Support, get alerted, and be informed.
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