Automatically Refresh JWT Tokens - Authorize & Access Token Paths?


We're trying to automatically refresh our JWT tokens so our automated workflows work without having to manually renew the JWT token. We require the below info to setup the connector to auto retrieve a new JWT token from Sophos:

1) Authorize Path:

2) Access Token Path:

3) Scope:

  • Example: refresh_token

I tried various inputting various inputs but kept getting different errors such as the below:

{"errorCode": "customer.authentication", "message": "Unauthorized", "trackingId": "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX"}

Thanks in advance!

Parents Reply
  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember in reply to cyber123

    Right now, we aren't refreshing the tokens. We require you to do another token request to get a new token when the first expires. My own script just looks at the expiry time of my current token and if it is expired, fetches a new one.

    Refresh of tokens is planned for later. I am not sure when it is slotted in the development cycle.

    Does that answer your question?
