API: Retrieve contact information from tenant as Partner


I can see in the documentation that you can POST data about the contact when you create a new tenant.

I don't see in the documentation how to retrieve the "contact" information for a specific tenant.

Do you plan to expose this kind of data through API in the future ?

It's neither possible to retrieve the data through an export.



Parents Reply
  • Hey Greg, that's actually why I wanted clarification on the question, as I don't think we are aligned on the understanding.  The Partner Admin API due for release in August will only list and allow management of Partner Admins.  From your description, it sounds like you want to have that list one level down at the tenant level.

    We do have on our roadmap toward the very end of the year to allow for Tenant admin promotion and management.  From the sounds of it, I think that is actually more of what you are looking for, but I would ask more about your use case as to what are are attempting to do with the contact list to ensure this will accommodate your use case.
