Why do I have Chrome history for Chrome+SB, but no history for non-SB Chrome?

I have SB 5.30, with Win 10 Pro

I've been running SB without problems for about 20 years.

This morning, I noticed that Chrome in SB had Browsing History as usual. But non-SB Chrome had no History.

This is not a big deal, because I hardleyever run non-SB Chrome. But it seems to me that I'm not understanding what happens at SB startup and SB shutdown

In Applications > Web Browser > Google Chrome

I have checked everything except "Force Google Chrome to run..."

I assumed at SB startup, that anything needed to support Chrome would be transferred from my non-SB Chrome folders to the C:\Sandbox folder.

At SB shutdown, I'm allowed to choose whether any files need to be recovered. In 90% of cases, the list contains only files related to my third-party bookmark manager. There's nothing related to history, so I was assuming that's all handled silently.

Question: Why do I have history for Chrome+SB, but no history for non-SB Chrome?
