Sandboxie Error Panels

Why does Sandboxie give us a barrage of error panels that are absolutely meaningless to the ordinary user.

It is a "so what" job that directs my finger immediately to the "close" box and to carry on browsing.

These panels are written in the jargon of a systems analyser not PC user.

We cannot do anything about the errors, since we do not know what they mean.


Parents Reply
  • Thank you kindly.

    What I get:

    Message: SBIE2303 Could not hook name(reason)


    This message indicates that the Sandboxie DLL component, which is running within the sandboxed program, has failed to intercept and replace the system function identified by name.

    This message is typically an indication of incompatibility with some third party software.


    I might remove some plugins from my Chrome browser. See if that makes the difference.
