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Community based support

Seth wrote:

"As part of our transition to a free and potentially open source product, Sandboxie support will become community based.  The community will include developers directly involved with Sandboxie."

What does mean Sandboxie support will become community based?

The community will include Sophos developers?

I would like to hear a more detailed explanation about this, please.

Parents Reply
  • Why would anyone volunteer their time no less someone from Sophos, when this community is filled with little brats like you, all this place does is troll, whine, not being helpful, attacking Sophos' members, etc.


    Personally, I use another forum with a dedicated SB section, and they even have Sophos members that post there as well. I'll leave this place for the likes of you, henry g, BilleBarrett and the rest of the whiny brats.

  • Redacted said:

    Why would anyone volunteer their time no less someone from Sophos, when this community is filled with little brats like you, all this place does is troll, whine, not being helpful, attacking Sophos' members, etc.


    Personally, I use another forum with a dedicated SB section, and they even have Sophos members that post there as well. I'll leave this place for the likes of you, henry g, BilleBarrett and the rest of the whiny brats.

    Why Sophos members are posting in other forums and not here, the official Sandboxie forum?

    Personally, I don't like ar$e lickers like you. Only an ar$e licker would call brat to people reporting issues, demanding more information about the future of a product and when don't receive a reply, complain.

    If you don't know the difference between complaining and trolling, I'm sorry for you.

  • Redacted said:


    I have access to information you don't have. Haha, you suck.

    Do you have to be so childish?