Completed (Minor Issue)

We would suggest doing any of the following regarding your concern:

  • open a customer care support ticket, or
  • create a post in the product forums -

Why did I not get the full term when I activated my license key?

Multiple scenarios should be answered here. For example, customer you lapsed few years with device since it was being stored somewhere. 

Some of the vendors have policy if you get 2 year renewal, you get your starting date on date of activation of the subscriptions. 

Parents Comment Children
  • Please make sure this policy is CLEAR so it will lower burden on your presales and sales people. We have case now where nobody knows actually what will happen. It is bit embarrassing for Sophos. 

    Making policy like getting 2 x 1y service, you can void lapses in support. This works great with Fortinet so you don't bother asking million questions.