Completed (Content Update)

SDD FW Upgrade regarding KB-000045830

In the KB 000045830 you mention


To upgrade the SSD firmware, enter the following command:
system ssd upgrade


that command is unknown on my XGS116, the correct command is

system ssd update

  • FormerMember


    Regarding the KB,

    It states as follows:
    Q: Does the upgrade require the firewall's power to be switched off and back on?
    A: Only in very isolated instances. In most cases, the system ssd update command will update the SSD firmware and restart the firewall after the process is complete.

    What does "only in very isolated instances" mean ?
    Please instruct me exactly what kind of situation it is.

    Best regards,
    Seigo Usui

  • Yea, same. Should be update. Maybe fixed already, I have the document loaded from when I logged in yesterday morning and found this unexpected banner.  

    Be nice if Sophos added this to a firmware update that could be scheduled instead of having to login to 248 firewalls to check, then manually update after hours, after working with customer to make sure someone will be onsite to manually cycle power in the event it doesn't come back.  Gross.

  • Hi  ,
    Thank you for raising the issue. We've updated the command in the KB article.


  • when I prformed the update, it was already corrected. Thanks!

    I want to say thank the Doc team for that very good KB about the firmware update. it left no questions open and was easy to follow!