Completed (Minor Issue)

Maytee is from Sophos as well and I spoke with him over MS Teams and explained the content of our KBAs and plans for development.

All the DOCUMENT should have some Photos to be easier to understand that TXT only

All the DOCUMENT should have some Photos to be easier to understand that TXT only 

for the expert guys who using Sophos for long time ago also get confuse and wasted time to take screenshot from the demo environment when meeting with new customer.

especially if customer looking for manual / doc by themself (which is GREAT that they don't need our support (global support / SE / etc) ) it should have some photo. 


  • Hi ,

    Thank you for your comments and suggestion. 

    Just to give you an overview, not all KB articles have screenshots. We normally include screenshots and images in articles that have instructions such as configuration and installation. Sometimes we include a screenshot of error messages when available. We always try to recreate the issues and procedures and determine which sections and steps in the KB will need screenshots for better understanding for the user.

    There are steps and content that are pretty straightforward forward and we deem in unnecessary for a screenshot. This is also to avoid users from scrolling up and down the page just to be able to go through all the content. Our goal is the easy accessibility of all content within a page and we try to have it viewable in a single view.

    But rest assured that we will be taking your suggestions and considering them during KB development. Part of our work is to ensure that KB articles are readable and easy to understand and screenshots/images will be taken into consideration whenever possible.

  • Hi ,

    Thank you for your comments and suggestion. 

    Just to give you an overview, not all KB articles have screenshots. We normally include screenshots and images in articles that have instructions such as configuration and installation. Sometimes we include a screenshot of error messages when available. We always try to recreate the issues and procedures and determine which sections and steps in the KB will need screenshots for better understanding for the user.

    There are steps and content that are pretty straightforward forward and we deem in unnecessary for a screenshot. This is also to avoid users from scrolling up and down the page just to be able to go through all the content. Our goal is the easy accessibility of all content within a page and we try to have it viewable in a single view.

    But rest assured that we will be taking your suggestions and considering them during KB development. Part of our work is to ensure that KB articles are readable and easy to understand and screenshots/images will be taken into consideration whenever possible.

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