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unable to install sophos enterprise console and getting bellow error, please help, upgrading 5.4.0 to 5.5.1

Hi Team

unable to install sophos enterprise console and getting bellow error, please help, upgrading 5.4.0 to 5.5.1

Extracting ServerInstaller\Res\EULA.txt
Extracting readme_sec.html
Extracting ServerInstaller\DB\Core\BackupDB.bat
Extracting ServerInstaller\DB\Patch\CreatePatchDB.bat
Extracting ServerInstaller\DB\Core\DropDB.bat
Extracting ServerInstaller\DB\Core\DropDBEx.bat
Extracting ServerInstaller\DB\Core\InstallDB.bat
Extracting ServerInstaller\DB\Core\InstallDBEx.bat
Extracting ServerInstaller\DB\Core\InstallSophosSecurity.bat
Extracting ServerInstaller\DB\Core\InstallSophosSecurityEx.bat
Extracting ServerInstaller\DB\Core\RestoreDB.bat
Extracting ServerInstaller\DB\Core\RunSqlScript.bat
Extracting ServerInstaller\DB\Patch\UpdatePatchDB.bat
Extracting ServerInstaller\DB\Core\UpdateSophosSecurity.bat
Extracting ServerInstaller\CheckDBConnection\CheckDBConnection.exe
Extracting ServerInstaller\pre-reqs\dotNetFramework\NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe

ServerInstaller\pre-reqs\dotNetFramework\NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe - checksum error

Unexpected end of archive
4 error(s) were encountered while extracting files: error code 3. Extraction and setup unsuccessful.

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  • Looks like the file is corrupt. If I download the file, the checksum info is as follows.

    Checksum information
    Name: sec_551_sfx.exe
    Size: 747471640 bytes (712 MB)

    CRC32: 6FF3D11D

    CRC64: AC497350D228806C

    SHA256: CFEFC224481781CA2246AA4974BE32BC803FDF3B4A7D1A10BECC971D64B9A134

    SHA1: 28EBD2735F3CBB7B4783869A51F505D7F09B6AFA

    BLAKE2sp: 5B5A233BDE108FD74D0C69BDE7B51A60ACA5F4BE997E0F26AFE27909524A6197

    What do you get?  Does it match?

    If that is OK, I would suggest using WINRAR or 7-ZIP to unpack the SFX and see what's going on then if you run \sec_551_sfx\ServerInstaller\setup.exe



  • Thank you, When I tried to unpack , it gives an error as unspecified error and not unpacking.

Reply Children
  • As you have 7-Zip can you right click on the file and choose:

    CRC SHA -> SHA-256

    What do you get?  If you don't get CFEFC224481781CA2246AA4974BE32BC803FDF3B4A7D1A10BECC971D64B9A134 it looks like a corrupt file and you need to re-download it.

    Tip: You can focus on the dialog, then do a: Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C to copy the details in the dialog to the clipboard.
