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Upgrade from SEC 5.0.0 to 5.5.0 fails on DB credentials

After EULA, I enter DB credentials of domain account and get "The user credentials cannot connect to the specified SQL Server instance".  Any credentials fail.  Verified thru sqlcmd access to DB.

From the log bootstrapper all checks Passed and connections to DB for Initial Catalog='SOPHOS50' checks succeeded, but it looks like it fails when it tries to connect to an initial catalog that does not exist yet:

6/4/2018 10:04:19 AM, INFO : Log on succeeded with the credentials XXX\sophosmanagement
6/4/2018 10:04:19 AM, INFO : Validating password...
6/4/2018 10:04:19 AM, INFO : log on succeeded with the credentials XXX\sophosmanagement
6/4/2018 10:04:19 AM, INFO : Validating whether credentials provided can access the selected sql instance...
6/4/2018 10:04:19 AM, ERROR : COM error. Connection string: Provider='sqloledb'; Data Source='(local)\SOPHOS'; Initial Catalog='SOPHOS550'; Integrated Security='SSPI'; - Error: Unspecified error, Description: Cannot open database "SOPHOS550" requested by the login. The login failed.
6/4/2018 10:04:19 AM, ERROR : Credentials could not connect to the remote database


HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sophos\EE\Management Tools\DatabaseUser\   lists a disabled domain admin. 

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  • So I have learned that a former administrator attempted to upgrade with a similar or same issue that was never resolved.  It looks like an attempt at 5.2.1 was made.  And the number of databases is unexpected:






  • So I have learned that a former administrator attempted to upgrade with a similar or same issue that was never resolved.  It looks like an attempt at 5.2.1 was made.  And the number of databases is unexpected:






  • Hello Thore,

    whatever has been done in the past it resulted in the Database Component not being installed:
    Found installed component: {5F3E2B99-3883-46FD-9B02-31B7C480A8B7} version: 5.0.0
    Found MSI: \Console64.msi version: 5.5.0
    Found installed component: {3886EB02-D881-4603-953B-4AE0E2A39665} version: 5.0.0
    Found MSI: \Server64.msi version: 5.5.0
    Found MSI: \Database64.msi version: 5.5.0
    Found installed component: {2C7A82DB-69BC-4198-AC26-BB862F1BE4D0} version:
    Found MSI: SUM.msi version:
    This is in principle perfectly valid and usually the case when the database is remote (that's why the error message says: Credentials could not connect to the remote database). In a remote database scenario the remote database component must be upgraded first and consequently the bootstrapper checks for the existence of the new database.

    If you still have the C:\sec_50 installation directory follow Scenario 1, item 4. in this article (naturally using sec_50 and the applicable values for the parameters) to re-add the Database Component installer information. It should then be possible to run the upgrade.

    If you no longer have the SEC 5.0 installer follow What To Do, items 6-10  in the Unable to install Database article, again substituting the appropriate values.


  • Christian, Thank you but no luck.


    I ran the sec_50 install with edited options and it ran and closed with no apparent effect.

    I checked the logs from a 2015 attempted upgrade to 5.2.2 and it looks like the DB installed to completion but the Server64msi log failed with 1603 and

      Error 0x80070032: Domain SIDs not supported

      Error 0x80070032: Failed to get SID for account name

      Error 0x80070032: Failed to remove message queue permission

      Error 0x80070032: Failed to remove message queue permissions

    Attempted fix per KB117710 with new domain account SophosManagement, but Management Service failed to start after doing that.

    Attempted to run sec_50 installer but it failed and rolledback and get this error in the Server64msi log file:

    Note: 1: 1722 2: RunServerInit.3E22F2D1_FDCE_4BC2_851A_78461B4146A1 3: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Enterprise Console\ServerInit.exe 4: -logpath "C:\Users\THORE-~1\AppData\Local\Temp\\" -installpath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Enterprise Console\\"
    CustomAction RunServerInit.3E22F2D1_FDCE_4BC2_851A_78461B4146A1 returned actual error code 2


    I've opened a case at this point.

  • Hello Thore,

    it ran and closed with no apparent effect
    there's not much apparent effect. It copies some files, sets a number of registry keys and that's it, doesn't even touch the database - takes only seconds.

    Attempted to run sec_50 installer
    Hm, as running just the database installer should have resulted in all three 5.0.0 components to be installed this shouldn't have been necessary. Did you mean the sec_550 installer?
    Taking a closer look on your post with the database names (sorry that I have missed this before) I see the SOPHOSPATCH52 database (expected when an upgrade to 5.2.x has been attempted) but not SOPHOSPATCH which is the one associated with SEC 5.0.0.

    ServerInit.exe [...] actual error code 2
    means File not found - ServerInit.exe should be there so the code might have been returned by ServerInit and there should be a corresponding log in your %Temp% directory.

    Sometimes just the line with an actual or assumed error suffices but generally the context is required to determine the cause and it's a good idea to post whole logs instead of snippets. I've opened a case Support will request the SDU output (if you haven't already sent it) so they might be able to tell what's wrong.
