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Sophos System Protection Service not running on multiple machines across multiple customers

I've got a few machines, across several customers, that are reporting the System Protection Service is not running. It seems rather odd that I've got the same problem, all starting today, on different machines and networks. 

Is anyone else seeing this? 

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  • I am seeing this as well. Actually, today we had a large group of our sales staff all kicked off the network because this service didn't start and Heartbeat dropped their connection.


    I see this on my computer every time I boot up, and have an automation policy to start the service. I get an email every time I restart or boot up. Manually starting the service works (it's one of the few services I've had luck with manually starting)

  • Are you able to install the new EAP version -  "Intercept X New Features" on a computer that regularly suffers the issue?  The reason I ask is that it appears to be very different in version 2.  Maybe once it is installed, if you restart it a couple of times does it start without issue?




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