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Uninstalling sophos management server 5.5.2

I have been asked to migrate a 5.5.0 install from a failing server to a new windows 2019 server that already had 5.5.2 installed on it (but was never used). My place was to uninstall 5.5.2 and then install 5.5.0 and then upgrade that installation. I followed the guidelines under KB-000034444 regarding uninstallation but was unable to uninstall management server or credential store.  running the uninstall string in the uninstall entry for the software did not work either.

I have disabled the services/restarted but still have had no luck.

Hopefully someone here can start me down the correct path. 


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  • Hello Thomas Ertman,

    as the new server hasn't been used as SEC until now - does it have some other role? If not I'd suggest to reinstall the OS, likely takes less time and ensures a clean environment.
    Otherwise you'd have to run the uninstall with logging turned on to get some information why the uninstall fails.

    Please note that you don't have to do a two-step migrate-upgrade or upgrade-migrate. If you install 5.5.2 on the new server per the MigGuide and restore the 550 database after installing the Database component you can do it in one step.
