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More details KBA 131747 (Updated)

Could you please expand a little bit, I am trying to install End Point Protection on a mac, at the time of executing the installer, it sends me a message that takes me to read KBA 131749 (, however, this document does not clearly describe how I should execute the following command:

as indicated in the document....
- Save the following code to a file, and execute it from terminal on the Mac. It will report the number of directories impacted, and which ones they are.
Note: To allow it to execute, run chmod u+x (filename), then ./(filename) to run it.

So I made the file in the text editor "textedit" and when I saved it I created it with the .rtf ending (File name: sophospermissions.rtf
Then I tried to execute it and I got the following answer:

MacBook-Air-de-Francisco:~ franciscojuarez$ chmod u+x sophospermissions.rtf
MacBook-Air-de-Francisco:~ franciscojuarez$ ./sophospermissions.rtf
./sophospermissions.rtf: line 1: {rtf1ansiansicpg1252cocoartf1404cocoasubrtf470: command not found
./sophospermissions.rtf: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `}'
./sophospermissions.rtf: line 2: `{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}'
MacBook-Air-de-Francisco:~ franciscojuarez$ ./sophospermissions
-bash: ./sophospermissions: No such file or directory

I would greatly appreciate your support, because I am not an expert in terminal commands for mac, I can not execute the instructions correctly

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