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Does the sophos linux free version not offer an upgrade?

[root@localhost bin]# ./savupdate -a
Failed to download 'sdds:SOPHOS': invalid authentication. Please check PrimaryUpdateUsername and PrimaryUpdatePassword.
Failed to replicate from all update sources


[root@localhost bin]# ./savsetup --help
Welcome to Sophos Anti-Virus interactive configuration

[1] Display update configuration

Configure primary update source:
[2] From Sophos
[3] From own server

Configure secondary update source:
[4] From Sophos
[5] From own server

[q] Quit
What do you want to do? [1]
> 1

Primary update source address = sophos:
Primary update cache path = /usr/local/sophos/update/cache/Primary
Primary update source username =
Primary update source password = ********

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