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Trusted Sites?

We have some intranet sites that use sharepoint 2007 and 2010.  Some of our dropdowns for navigation aren't working but are noticing when we disable sophos they do work.

I think some intranet files are trying to be sent to sophos maybe?  Is there a way to "trust" intranet sites or specific websites with certain domains?


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  • We are on 9.7.6.

    We disabled "on-access scanning".  Then the dropdowns on your intranet sharepoint sites worked flawlessly and without refreshing the page (which has been the current workaround).

    It is like it is getting stuck loading images on the page and since it can't finish loading the image then the dropdowns don't work.

  • We are on 9.7.6.

    We disabled "on-access scanning".  Then the dropdowns on your intranet sharepoint sites worked flawlessly and without refreshing the page (which has been the current workaround).

    It is like it is getting stuck loading images on the page and since it can't finish loading the image then the dropdowns don't work.

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