Bug? On MacOS with Firefox container tabs: SophosModernWebIntelligence spins

It seems to be tied to opening multiple links in Firefox when using container tabs. What happens is that all the new just sit there spinning for a LONG time, if not indefinitely. I look at processes and SophosModernWebIntelligence is running at 70-100% CPU for as long as I care to watch it. If I kill the process, instantly the web tabs stop spinning and show their content and everything is back to normal.

I believe all web connections -- not just Firefox -- have problems at that point, but the most visible thing is the spinning tabs in Firefox.

This happens every three or four days and I know how to recognize it now and work around it. (Obviously, Sophos restarts SophosModernWebIntelligence again after I kill it.)

Anyone else having this issue? MacOS Sonoma 14.6.1 on an Intel-based Macbook Pro.

Parents Reply
  • To add some more information, this is with an Intel-based Macbook Pro.

    Also, I sampled the process while it was spinning, if that would be helpful. And I noticed that it DID eventually resolve the tabs and didn't keep spinning. (I hadn't had the patience to wait long enough before, but this time I scrolled through the process sample and by the time I'd gotten to the end, the tabs had resolved.)

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