Bug? On MacOS with Firefox container tabs: SophosModernWebIntelligence spins

It seems to be tied to opening multiple links in Firefox when using container tabs. What happens is that all the new just sit there spinning for a LONG time, if not indefinitely. I look at processes and SophosModernWebIntelligence is running at 70-100% CPU for as long as I care to watch it. If I kill the process, instantly the web tabs stop spinning and show their content and everything is back to normal.

I believe all web connections -- not just Firefox -- have problems at that point, but the most visible thing is the spinning tabs in Firefox.

This happens every three or four days and I know how to recognize it now and work around it. (Obviously, Sophos restarts SophosModernWebIntelligence again after I kill it.)

Anyone else having this issue? MacOS Sonoma 14.6.1 on an Intel-based Macbook Pro.

Parents Reply
  • It's Firefox 129.0.2 (64-bit), which should be the latest. Running the Simple Tab Groups extension, which uses Firefox's Container Tabs. Also using the following extensions: 1Password, Facebook Container, Firefox Multi-Account Containers, and Zotero Connector.

    I don't use Safari anymore because the Simple Tab Groups and taking advantage of Containers is just too valuable. (That is, a Container maintains cookies and all the other goodies, separate from other containers, so you can literally login to Google for work in one Container and Google for home in another Container and not have weird confusions between the two.

    Sorry, don't have much more. It could have nothing to do with Firefox, like I said, but Firefox might be firing off separate processes for each tab or something like that. And it's in Firefox that I notice the problem because I'll click on four or five links (to open new tabs) and when I look back again, none of the tabs has actually updated -- they all have the Cylon dots moving back and forth.

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