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SophosInstall.exe Deployment through Active Directory


Lately we have been attempting to deploy the SophosInstall.exe through AD. We have a shared folder that is accessible by everyone and we are attempting to utilize the switches to remove the old AV (Mcafee Agent w/ VSE 8.8) and install Sophos.

Here is the .bat we have made:

TITLE Anti-Virus Uninstaller/Installer

::Map Drive
ECHO Mapping Drive
net use Z: "\\Servername\Share\Share\Sophos"

:: Install Sophos Central
ECHO Installing Sophos Central

"Z:\SophosInstall.exe" -q -tps remove

net use Z: /delete


The script is simple and works when run on any of the machines that we use to test, but for some reason it is not working correctly when AD is set up to run the script at startup.

Note:The script is in the same location as the executable.

So I am wondering if you all have any tips or tricks for deployment through AD?

We have to deploy Sophos to about 500 computers without SCCM. If you deploy through a different tool and have seen success I am more than happy to consider using it! 




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