Easily switch between companies/customers in Sophos Central?


I manage many end-customers. Some have only XGS firewalls, others have XGS + InterceptX. I find it very time consuming switching among them, from one Sophos Central to the other. And many times when I close Sophos Central Dashboadr of one customer, I simply cannot open another one for other customer, so I must go with other browser or with incognito window.

Most of other partners, say Microsoft, Veeam, Webroot, ESET and others allow me to have some Dashboard or Licensing portal opened, then I just select another managed company in dropdown and easily switch to that customers.

Are there any plans for partners to easily switch between managing customers/companies in Sophos Central? 

Parents Reply
  • Thank you both,   and  !

    Indeed I hope Sophos will address that "issue" in later versions, as multi-tenant approach in the easiest way for resellers, which are also tech support for end-customers. Opening multiple incognito browsers adds to confusion and renders management a work to avoid, not appealing. But I guess designing such interfaces, which address multiple sectors in one interface, is not an easy job. Especially if backwards compatibility must be retained.
