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Sophos Installation Failure : SeSecurityprivilege


We've been using Sophos for two years now. However, for the first time, we're encountering an issue during installation. An error indicates that the following privileges are missing: SeSecurityPrivilege. We've tried installing with a domain admin account and others, but we always end up with this error. Could you please help us?

Thank you.

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  • If you run a command prompt (cmd.exe) as administrator and run 

    whoami /priv

    It will show the privileges that can be enabled or disabled for an account.

    This is an admin account, so it has the SeSecurityPrivilege (near the top of the list, not the highlighted one):

    If you do the same as a non admin launch cmd.exe:SeSecurityPrivilege is not listed as a privledge:

    This doesn't matter so much, the key thing is that the account has the Privilege, not that it's enabled as the installer can enable the privilege.

    The setting can be seen here as: "Manage auditing and security log":

    Administrators should have this. Something to check.

  • If you run a command prompt (cmd.exe) as administrator and run 

    whoami /priv

    It will show the privileges that can be enabled or disabled for an account.

    This is an admin account, so it has the SeSecurityPrivilege (near the top of the list, not the highlighted one):

    If you do the same as a non admin launch cmd.exe:SeSecurityPrivilege is not listed as a privledge:

    This doesn't matter so much, the key thing is that the account has the Privilege, not that it's enabled as the installer can enable the privilege.

    The setting can be seen here as: "Manage auditing and security log":

    Administrators should have this. Something to check.

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