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Sophos Installation failed

 Hi, I have trouble on installation of sophos, installation not continue because of error.
Is there any solution for this? thanks ...

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  • an other one on this issue?

    can you please post the log file (remove your internal information first)

     Sophos Installer: download error from - non existing host 

  • 2024-03-11T14:03:07.0952293Z INFO : Running C:\\Users\\ADMINI~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SophosSetup-372937170\\Setup.exe
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0952293Z INFO : Stage 1 command-line options:
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0952293Z INFO : ---
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0963041Z INFO : Quiet mode on: 0
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0963041Z INFO : Bypass ownership check: 0
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0963041Z INFO : Bypass ACS check: 0
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0963041Z INFO : Automatic Proxy detection disabled: 0
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0963041Z INFO : No feedback mode on: 0
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0973012Z INFO : Dump feedback enabled: 0
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0973012Z INFO : Bypass competitor removal: 0
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0973012Z INFO : Using CRT catalog file path: --
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0983000Z INFO : Only register endpoint with Central: 0
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0983000Z INFO : Log messages between endpoint and Central: 0
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0983000Z INFO : Log command-line passed to executables: 0
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0983000Z INFO : Using custom server that hosts the installer stage2 filename: --
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0983000Z INFO : Using cloud group: --
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0992960Z INFO : Overriding computer name: --
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0992960Z INFO : Overriding computer description: --
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0992960Z INFO : Overriding domain name: --
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0992960Z INFO : Language will be set to: --
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.0992960Z INFO : Using message relays: --
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.1002934Z INFO : Proxy address: --
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.1002934Z INFO : Proxy user name: --
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.1002934Z INFO : Using custom customer token: --
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.1002934Z INFO : Using specified products: --
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.1002934Z INFO : Using certificates from the program data folder: 0
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.1002934Z INFO : Setting non-persistent image: 0
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.1012913Z INFO : Setting gold image: 0
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.1012913Z INFO : MCS registration timeout for golden image: --
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.1012913Z INFO : Using custom customer ID: --
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.1012913Z INFO : Using specified user ID: --
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.1012913Z INFO : Using local install source: --
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.1022879Z INFO : Invoked as part of SEC migration: 0
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.1022879Z INFO : ---
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.1043116Z INFO : Detected architecture: 2
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.1043116Z INFO : Using x86 program files for stage 2
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.1043116Z INFO : Target path: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Sophos\\CloudInstaller
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.1537717Z INFO : About to delete: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Sophos\\CloudInstaller
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.1547684Z ERROR : Failed to remove 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Sophos\\CloudInstaller'. Error: remove_all: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Sophos\\CloudInstaller"
    2024-03-11T14:03:07.1547684Z ERROR : Error downloading/running stage 2: remove_all: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Sophos\\CloudInstaller"
    2024-03-11T14:03:10.2556988Z INFO : FindMainWindow: pid=0
    2024-03-11T14:03:10.2723988Z ERROR : Exception: remove_all: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Sophos\\CloudInstaller"


  • that is a different problem.

    The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process

    is an other (AV) software installed and actively scanning the folder?

    eventually it is you having that folder open in explorer?

  • Sorry I send the wrong file here are the latest logs. . 

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