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Microsoft office applications started being blocked on macOS machines

From today macOS users started claiming microsoft office applications were blocked by Sophos EP.

As fas as I know, according to this notice (+) Notification of Application Control application updates Planned for the 28th November 2023 - Application Control - Sophos Labs - Sophos Community, the office applications are out of scope being added to the control list.

And on Sophos Central, I can't find these applications on application control list and blocked events log.

Is anyone experiencing the same issue?

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  • Same here.  Multiple macs.  Mainly pop ups for Auto Update, which is NOT listed in Application Control, but some with Office Apps being clocked too.  Interestingly, none of the pop ups are being shown in Sophos Central logs, only locally on the machines.  We have had to disable Application Control for now which is far from ideal!

  • Same here.  Multiple macs.  Mainly pop ups for Auto Update, which is NOT listed in Application Control, but some with Office Apps being clocked too.  Interestingly, none of the pop ups are being shown in Sophos Central logs, only locally on the machines.  We have had to disable Application Control for now which is far from ideal!
