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Microsoft office applications started being blocked on macOS machines

From today macOS users started claiming microsoft office applications were blocked by Sophos EP.

As fas as I know, according to this notice (+) Notification of Application Control application updates Planned for the 28th November 2023 - Application Control - Sophos Labs - Sophos Community, the office applications are out of scope being added to the control list.

And on Sophos Central, I can't find these applications on application control list and blocked events log.

Is anyone experiencing the same issue?

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  • Same issue here on a 2019 MacBook Pro running Sophos 10.5.1. Sophos is firing nonstop notifications about it since yesterday. I'd turn them off but notifications are forced by device policy, so I get to just see it popping up every 10 seconds throughout my work day.

  • Same issue here on a 2019 MacBook Pro running Sophos 10.5.1. Sophos is firing nonstop notifications about it since yesterday. I'd turn them off but notifications are forced by device policy, so I get to just see it popping up every 10 seconds throughout my work day.

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