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High CPU Usage - SEDService.exe offline

Hi, I have an annoying problem with the Sophos Endpoint Agent. When I am connected to the internet everything is fine. However, when I unplug the cable and am offline, the load on SEDService.exe goes way up. I have now noticed that under C:\ProgramData\Sophos\Endpoint Defense\Data\Event Journals\SophosED\Dns several .bin files are permanently created 100Mb in size and then zipped as .xz files. This takes a lot of performance and is certainly not the way it should be. Does anyone know the problem or have an idea which setting causes this? As soon as the Internet is available again, the utilization of the process goes down and no more files are created in the path.

There are various blocking entries in the sed log. Do they have anything to do with this?
What could it be?

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  • Hi Mori,

    Thanks for reaching out to the Sophos Community Forum. 

    I believe you have an "XDR" license active. The event journals are used to record device activity so that data can be ingested into Sophos Central and the Threat Analysis Center. 

    When your device disconnects from the network, any data meant to be transmitted to Sophos Central is written to local files so it can be communicated later when the system reconnects. 

    Regarding the blocking entries in the sed log, could you provide a few lines from the logs? Feel free to send this to me via private message if you do not wish to post them here. 

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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  • Hi  

    Thanks. Have send you some lines from sed.log via private message.

    Is there a way to do less logging when device is not connected? Is this all DNS requests or why DNS log? I cant read the file with notepad is there a other way to view the log?

  • when I unplug the cable and am offline, the load on SEDService.exe goes way up

    how long does that take for the process to run with high CPU load?

    I notice that once for a few seconds, whenever I unplug the cable. but it takes some time until this happens. then SEDService.exe uses 100% on one core for about 5-10 seconds.

    I woul dcheck with procmon what is happening during that time. eventually you find a special software (except Sophos) that is runing out of control.

    Eventually a re-installation of the Sophos Agent may also help.

    Please also post your installed Sophos product versions.

  • Hi  

    I am still new to working with sophos products.
    Sophos Intercept X 2023.1.1.7 and Core Agent 2023.1.3.5
    Reinstallation did nothing. There are some more devices affected.

    Exactly goes offline and then it takes 5-10sec and the CPU of two cores goes up properly to around 100% exactly.
    And that's where it stays.

    With procmon I then saw this growth of the DNS logs as a .bin file.
    In my case it is also the Windows DNS service and the Windows timer service that have very high CPU usage

  • you could enable DNS logging in event viewer

    Applications and Service Logs >> Microsoft >> Windows >> DNS Client Events >> Operational

    you could also check the Time Service logs there.

  • Yes, everything is full of event entries. Several 100mb of logs in a very short time. It always wants to reach the previously internal DNS.

  • SEDService.exe performs 2 operations here that are related to processing the events.

    1. It creates a trace session and subscribes to the "Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Client" trace provider. So this is the source of most of the the DNS events. I say most as 
    it also gets some DNS events from the "Microsoft-Windows-WinINet" trace provider also shown in the screenshot below but I assume most come from the DNS-Client provider.

    These are stored in the journal files you found and written to by the SOPHOSED.SYS driver. 

    The .bin file is the current one and has a max size of 100MB before a new .bin file (or a new one is created every hour) is created.

    2. Every minute, the SEDService.exe checks if it needs to compress the bin files to xz files the current bin file(s) for each subject, in this case DNS.  There are others, e.g. Registry, Process, etc.. Typically there is only one active .bin file unless you have a lot of events for the specific subject.

    SedService.exe typically doesn't perform work every minute as sophosed.sys typically only flushes new journal data from memory to the .bin file every 5 mins.  However, if there are a lot of events, then sophosed.sys will flush more often to avoid using too much memory.

    So typically you see a spike of work by SEDService.exe every 5 mins, which takes place at most 1 minute after sophosed.sys flushes the latest data.

    So you could do the following:.

    1. Create your own trace session and add the DNS client provider to it, just the logs to a file and after a minute or collection see what you have.

    2. Turn on debug logging of SEDService.exe to get it to log the DNS addresses being recorded.

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Sophos Endpoint Defense Service]

    Make a note of the current values to restore.  Tamper needs to be disabled. SEDService.exe picks up the reg changes automatically. 

    You can then tail the logs for the DNS messages, DNS1 and DNS2.  One is from the WinInet Source, the other is the from the DNS-Client provider.

    gc 'C:\ProgramData\Sophos\Endpoint Defense\Logs\seds.log' -wait -tail 1 | Select-String "Debug DNS"

    I hope this helps.  For DNS to be creating so many events, it seems like something isn't functioning correctly.


  •   Thanks for the instructions.

    Here my log. Its every time the same. I translated it from german. My DNS-Server in LAN/WLAN is DC dc03.mydomain.local and dc04.mydomain.local
    This log goes up in 1 minute to extremely many entries.

    A DNS query is called up for the name "dc04.mydomain.local". Type: 28, query options: 1073897472, server list: , network query: 0, network index: 0, interface index: 0, asynchronous query: 0
    A network query is initiated for the name "dc04.mydomain.local". Parallel query: 0, network index: 0, number of interfaces: 0, first interface name: NULL, local addresses: , DNS server: 
    A cache lookup was called for the name "dc04.mydomain.local" (type: 1, options: 2251800887582720, interface index: 0).
    The cache lookup for the name "dc04.mydomain.local" (type: 1, option: 2251800887582720) returned "9701". Results: 
    A cache lookup was called for the name "dc04.mydomain.local" (type: 28, options: 2251800887582720, interface index: 0).
    The cache lookup for the name "dc04.mydomain.local" (type: 28, option: 2251800887582720) returned "9701". Results: 
    The DNS query for the name "dc04.mydomain.local" is complete. Type: 28, query options: 2251800887582720, status: 9852. Results: 
    A DNS query is called for the name "dc04.mydomain.local". Type: 1, Query options: 1073766400, Server list: , network query: 0, network index: 0, interface index: 0, asynchronous query: 0
    The DNS query for the name "dc04.mydomain.local" is complete. Type: 1, Query options: 1073766400, Status: 87, Results: 

    For DNS to be creating so many events, it seems like something isn't functioning correctly.
    Yes, absolutely. But what exactly? It cannot resolve the names dc04.mydomain.local because it is offline. But then why it keep trying? And where does the dns call come from anyway? Can I set the DNS servers somewhere in Sophos?

  • If we take the Event ID 3006 from the event viewer (Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Client/Operational) as a start: If you look at the details of the event log entry, I would switch to XML view, look for "Execution ProcessID":. e.g.

    <Execution ProcessID">" ThreadID">" />

    If you check Task Manager, is that ProcessID running?  What is it?  If it's not running, maybe it's transient, run Process Monitor for a while to help see the history of processes or use another source.  

    The Sophos Event journals will have the info but this is easier to extract I suspect.