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Sophos Endpoint blocks electron based app


we have a similar problem to

One of our customers uses an app called ClickdocPro which is based on the electron framework. If I run this app - even with Sophos Endpoint disabled - it freezes. If I uninstall Sophos Endpoint, the app starts normally. Its definitly a trusted app from an official Enterprise software vendor. The funny thing is, it worked before and since some weeks we see that freezes of the application.

Any Idea on this?



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  • Thank you for reaching the community forum. 

    Concerning the issue you're currently facing with the said app., have you already added an exclusion for this application, like file exclusion or path exclusions? Have you tried reaching the vendor of the said application and asking if they have any recommended exclusion to run this app, not just our AV but for others as well? 

    Glenn ArchieSeñas (GlennSen)
    Global Community Support Engineer

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  • Yes we did, we added the exception for the path like \\server\share\folder\ and the exe-file itself. Also we turned all functions of the endpoint of with the tamper protection password - same.

    Vendor confirms that problem is there since some weeks, also with other sophos and bitdefender customers.

  • Another way you could do this is to proceed with the component isolation steps mentioned in the basic troubleshooting article. This will tell you which of Sophos' components are conflicting with the app. Once you have determined this, exclusions can be made for the specific components which are conflicting. 
    - Basic Troubleshooting
    - Exclusion Types

    Let me know if there is a specific setting which allows the app to work as expected.

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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