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Intercept X Web control - Web Threats Blocked

Hello everyone,

yesterday I saw for the first time an entry at "Web Threats Blocked". It shows me that a "High Risk" website was blocked. But sadly in this overview is not date and no information what website exactly was blocked.

Is there an option to see directly what website got blocked? I just found out one possible URL, by setting the time period to custom and checking day by day. I assume this is not intended by sophos.

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  • Hi  ,

    thanks for your reply. I am a bit confused now. In my opinion an internal website should be responsible for this "alert". But now its getting interesting.

    1. I checked the "Top Blocked Sites" filtered on the day, the entry was created at "Top Malware Downloaders" and found the internal URL. Sadly these entries have no date and computername...

    2. I checked the Logs & Reports > Events in Sophos Central and didnt find this entry.

    Btw why i am seeing entries of the 6th June if I filtered from 7th - 8th? The computer wasn´t used from 8th to 13th june so there are no further entries.

    3. I checked the local log in Sophos Endpoint and found the local URL.

    Interesting aswell the entry at "Top Malware Downloaders" cant be assigned to one specific day. It shows me the entry on the 7th AND 8th June. Same behaviour at "Blocked Sites". Could there be some trouble with missconfigured time zones?

    However, the real problem remains, I can only estimate from the data in Sophos Central and local Endpoint which URL was finally assessed as "High Risk".

  • Hi  ,

    Thanks for sharing these details. I'll follow up with you via PM so we can further look into it.

    Gladys Reyes
    Global Community Support Engineer
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