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Endpoint Performance Issues

I'm currently creating a new deployment profile for a large batch of surface go 2 devices to try and speed them up, I've got a fairly decent lightweight profile setup but our organisation requires us to install Sophos onto all of our endpoint devices, once this is installed to the tablets the ram and CPU usage is maxed out by Sophos making the devices incredibly unresponsive and in turn making the devices unusable for staff. The only information I've been able to find on this issue with using the endpoint agent and intercept X on a tablet with low end specs like this was closed with someone claiming the go 2 tablets only ship with an arm CPU, these are all fitted with an x86-64 based Pentium and 4gb of ram so I'm currently at a loss as to what I can do to stop Sophos using as many system resources as it is doing as removing it from the profile isn't really an option I have.

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