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Intercept X Advanced for Server installed on Exchange 2016 slows down server to the point of non-function.

Intercept X Advanced for Server installed all the Automatic: Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Cumulative Update 21 exceptions (144 total) during the initial installation.  But it slows the server down to the point were no emails are delivered or sent.

I ended up uninstalling it.  But I'd rather not leave a server unprotected.

Any ideas or tips to get it up and running?

Server is a VMWARE 6.7 VM with 4 Vcores and 24GB of ram running Windows 2016 Datacenter and Exchange 2016.


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  • Hello Glenn,

    As I said it is a known issue and according to the KB I linked Sophos is working on a fix.  I'm going to disable the microsoft AMSI und reinstall the IXA on Sunday.  Its the only "lean hours" my company has.  I'll update this thread if it works or not.