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HP Wolf Security causing issue's


I'd like to know if anyone else has experienced this yet. I've had 4 customers now with HP Machines that have had issues with there PC performing incredibly slowly (basically unusable), the issue seems to be this new HP Wolf Security Bloatware that HP have pushed out. I believe it's conflicting with the Sophos Agent, I've only seen it happen on machines with Sophos running. As soon as HP Wolf Security is uninstalled the PC returns to normal.

Has anyone else experienced the same thing? It's annoying that HP just push this stuff out and break things.


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  • I'd expect this with 2 AVs simultanoeusly. Though not affected by this in particular. Has HP actively pushed this out to existing machines or delivered new machines with this bloatware?

    I wonder if customers really use preinstalled machines straight from the manufacturer in a corporate environment.

    In the past I was annoyed by McAfee preinstalled on HP machines.

  • Yeah I would imagine there would be some conflict going on here while they chose dominance over the machine. I would be surprised if this was pushed to existing machines though. This is typically something that comes pre-installed. Unless it was one of those HP updates and the end user clicked allow?

  • Yeah I would imagine there would be some conflict going on here while they chose dominance over the machine. I would be surprised if this was pushed to existing machines though. This is typically something that comes pre-installed. Unless it was one of those HP updates and the end user clicked allow?
