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Website category

Is there somewhere you can check what category a website is listed under in sophos central? Ive been trying to block the google drive website but so far i cant find which category its in to do the category override? Same for Gmail, i chose it as a test, selected the category 'webmail' as that seemed the most obvius one but that didnt work either. So where does sohpos put these? The site test was easy as i selected news. I wish there was a better break down or some sort of lookup tool for the website categories in sophos central, this would make this job, which should be simple, but isnt always alot easier.

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Parents Reply
  • Yes, its working now, for some reason that i dont undersstand, the Gmail block seemed to take affect a long time after the other blocks that I did. I still cant get Google drive page blocked though, im doing the tagging, applying it to the policy, but it doesnt block it. Im trying to block Te action is set to block aswell. Is this something specific to the google drive page? I cant understand why it would be though?
