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Sophos Endpoint Intercept X 2.0 impacting Performance - slow?

On a new software build of windows 10 on a T450 Lenovo, we found that at the end we installed Sophos Endpoint Intercept X 2.0 and it significantly slowed down the computer.  All aspects of the computer became slow.  On first bootup, connecting the Wifi - slow.  On login, the CPU would pin at 100% for long periods of time with high memory usage.  All applications would be slow to open, printing would be very slow. This is a new laptop i5, 8 GB RAM, 256 SSD.

We would remove the Intercept X and the computer would return to normal operation.  Fast bootup, fast login, apps, etc...

Now for this customer, then use Trend Micro as their primary AV.  We have Sophos Intercept X added on for the extra protection. We did not have issues previously until the Intercept X Version went up to 2.0.  Has anyone else noticed a large performance hit with Intercept X 2.0?

[locked by: SupportFlo at 11:42 PM (GMT -7) on 12 Mar 2019]
  • I renamed the "C:\windows\system32\hmpalert.dll" file and rebooted many times and the machine booted normally each time.

    Naming it back to it's original re-introduced the problem.


    I sent in to my Sophos support ticket the troubleshooting I have done and got this back:



    Hi Matthew

    Thanks for that update, it's a very interesting solution you found and well researched.

    We do have a current known issue with servers and BSOD due to HMPA being injected at startup, but this I thought was different than you case, and why I never followed along that line of inquiry.

    "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\", renaming the driver hmpalert.sys to hmpalert.orig / old does resolve this and seems to fit somewhat with the issue we are currently pushing a fix for, but again, this is only for Servers. I will need to speak to our GES team later this morning however and then give you an update.



  • OK, that narrows it down.  The next step for me would be to understand if a certain mitigation could be the cause.

    In Central the mitigations are controlled in the threat protection policy which consists of the following relevant sections:

    and ....

    The next test might be to disable all the options above and restart having re-introduced the driver and native hmpalert.dll.

    Does that help?  Hopefully it does.. I would then consider try re-enabling the options one at a time. E.g.

    "Enable CPU branch tracing"...

    "Protect processes"

    If you can find one or two options that helps, then at least you'd have a reasonable level of protection, starting services and support would have more to go on.

    The other option here to rule in/out mitigations  is to change settings locally in the registry at the client.  This gives very fine grained control of what is enabled.

    If you look in the log file of HMPA -  "C:\ProgramData\HitmanPro.Alert\Logs\Sophos.log", there is a log line for each process launched and the mitigations (features) applied. E.g.

    2018-07-04T21:40:19.329Z [Protected] PID 15384, Features 00072A3000000106, C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe
    2018-07-04T21:40:22.055Z [Protected] PID 17464, Features 00072A300000010E, C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe

    The values 00072A3000000106 and 00072A300000010E represent the mitigations applied to the process.

    Are the mitigation profiles applies to the certain class of applications.  Media, Java, Browsers, etc...

    You can see how under:
    for example, the profile applied to the java process is the "Java" Profile.  So you can see which mitigations get applied.

    I assume that the svchost.exe processes you're having trouble with fall under the "Other" category: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HitmanPro.Alert\_profiles_\Other\

    All the DWORD values under this key show which mitigations apply to this category.

    One option would therefore be to set the values to 0 and see what helps.  When you toggle the registry values to control features, you do need to restart the Hitman Pro Alert service for the setting to take.  That said, if you're going to be restarting the computer however I guess it doesn't matter.   Hopefull you can see in the log file mentioned about the feature value changing.

    The only thing I might do when performing this testing is to disable the "Sophos MCS Agent" service so the client doesn't apply any policies from Central during the testing.

    I'm hoping you can then narrow it down to maybe one specific mitigations by registry value name.

    Hopefully that makes sense.


  • Turning off the features you mentioned in the dashboard for a specific machine did not seem to help. I can see on the machine in the Sophos client that the settings are disabled. And after many reboots, machine still has the same problems with the Wired and Wireless AutoConfig and Audio services not starting.


    I will attempt the registry modifications now.




  • So we are having this same problem with the same Services not starting. Definitely seems like a performance issue on Intercept X on startup, preventing certain services from starting. Seen this on everyone getting Intercept X, and is seen on older systems without SSD's. Any fix for this problem yet?


    Removing Intercept X fixes the problem completely. But this isn't a solution for us, think Sophos needs to update Intercept X to address the problem asap. Big problem for us.

  • We are also experiencing the same issue after the Intercept X 2.05 or 2.05.2 update (not sure which version).

    Lots of windows services getting blocked from starting at logon


    A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the AudioEndpointBuilder service to connect.
    A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the Winmgmt service to connect.
    A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the TrustedInstaller service to connect.
    A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the EventSystem service to connect.
    A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the gpsvc service to connect.
    A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the ProfSvc service to connect.
    A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the LanmanWorkstation service to connect.
    A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the IKEEXT service to connect.
    A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the PolicyAgent service to connect.
    A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the WinHttpAutoProxySvc service to connect.
    A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the FontCache service to connect.
    A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the tzautoupdate service to connect.
    A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the Themes service to connect.
    A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the SysMain service to connect.
    A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the SENS service to connect.

  • Hi Ted Bundy,

    Do you have a ticket number so that we can have a look? 

    Otherwise, I suggest you reach out to Support and file a case for further review and troubleshooting.

    Also, to determine which version of Intercept X is installed, double click on the Sophos icon in the System tray --> About , and look for "Sophos Intercept X" under Products. You will see the version listed there. 


    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
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  • In the registry, if you create a new DWORD called ServicesPipeTimeout under the key:



    and set the value to 60000 decimal, i.e. 60 seconds from the default of 30 seconds (30000 as mentioned in the email) does everything work when you reboot?

    I'm just curious if that even helps if they were given more time.




  • Did this work for anyone with the problem?

  • Yep, i tried it on a PC and the audio service did eventually start, it made the logon extremely long & slow though. I wont be deploying this out as a fix as I would rather sopos fix the issue. But if your desperate, then it may be a workaround until sopos stops blocking.

  • Tried it myself and agree the system boot time is way too long. I also noticed this is only occurring on systems with spinning HD's and not systems with SSD's. They need to fix this problem asap ;)