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Sophos Home Installation failure on Windows 10 - Internet connection could not be established

Hello all

I am trying to install Sophos antivirus on my windows 10 laptop but the installation fails repeatedtly with the message

"Installation unsuccessful" An internet connection could not be established"


  • I have created account at Sophos Home and have done the process from there (download the installer based on instructions)
  • My internet connectivity works flawlessly
  • Windows are updated to the latest patch level

 I would appreciate if there are any ideas out there..


Thank you



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  • Hey, 

    This is kind of old. 

    I used to use this software years ago, just reinstalled it.

    Ran in to the same issue. Leave you're account logged in while downloading and installing. 

    ... IN other words, Log into your account through your browser, download the software, and install while logged into your sophos account.

    It shouldn't give you any issues.

    Then Reboot your system