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How to generate the recovery key for mac if agent is reinstalled on end user?

Hi there 

We are having an unusual issue at our end during a trial of Sophos Central a Mac (Catalina 10.15) was encrypted unwillingly and later on those encryption policies were turned off from the central. 

As only 1 partition was encrypted so user hasn't complained about it as that was not in use that much.

Now the endpoint was uninstalled from mac tas it was giving errors still the partition is encrypted regardless filevault is turned off. 

Any way to recover data or recover encrypted key??

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  • Hi there 

    We are having an unusual issue at our end during a trial of Sophos Central a Mac (Catalina 10.15) was encrypted unwillingly and later on those encryption policies were turned off from the central. 

    As only 1 partition was encrypted so user hasn't complained about it as that was not in use that much.

    Now the endpoint was uninstalled from mac tas it was giving errors still the partition is encrypted regardless filevault is turned off. 

    Any way to recover data or recover encrypted key??

  • Hi there 

    We are having an unusual issue at our end during a trial of Sophos Central a Mac (Catalina 10.15) was encrypted unwillingly and later on those encryption policies were turned off from the central. 

    As only 1 partition was encrypted so user hasn't complained about it as that was not in use that much.

    Now the endpoint was uninstalled from mac tas it was giving errors still the partition is encrypted regardless filevault is turned off. 

    Any way to recover data or recover encrypted key??

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