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Encrypting of USB Memory Stick


I am fairly new to Sophos SafeGuard and wondered if someone can point me in the right direction of encrypting a USB Memory Stick using the Sophos SafeGuard Console?

Thanks and kind regards,

Dan Petford

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  • Hi Dan - I think the VERY first step is Business Change. Any drastic change to policy (if you currently allow "free-reign") will have to be communicated to everyone. You will not be the most popular man at the party if you "accidently" encrypted Vera's France holiday photos, or the bosses PowerPoint presentation. 

    Second step I would create a test group of PC's and apply the policy to these only. You'll have to test this a great deal to be 100% confident in it.

    Third step - The policy creation. Best to go for Synchronised Encryption for USB rather than location based, especially if you have the existing hard drive/SSD encrypted.

    Are you wanting to encrypt the whole stick or files on it?

  • Hi Dan - I think the VERY first step is Business Change. Any drastic change to policy (if you currently allow "free-reign") will have to be communicated to everyone. You will not be the most popular man at the party if you "accidently" encrypted Vera's France holiday photos, or the bosses PowerPoint presentation. 

    Second step I would create a test group of PC's and apply the policy to these only. You'll have to test this a great deal to be 100% confident in it.

    Third step - The policy creation. Best to go for Synchronised Encryption for USB rather than location based, especially if you have the existing hard drive/SSD encrypted.

    Are you wanting to encrypt the whole stick or files on it?
