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Cyberoam cr35ing to SFOS fails

Hello All,

We have a client with a bunch of CR35ing units that we need to get upgraded to SFOS and since Sohops brought forward the EoL unexpectedly this is now urgent.

The cyberoams are running v10.6.6 MR6 however once the firmware is applied and the device reboots it comes back online with a factory config.

I have had console cable attached to the unit and the output shows the following error as it tries to boot the SFOS for the first time.

"Loading firstboot configuration
Reading firmware information
Migrating config from 10.6.6 MR-6 to SFOS 17.5.15 MR-15
ERROR(0x04): Failed to migrate config. Loading default.
Error: config migration failed. Reason: Old firmware data backup could not be generated. Default config will be installed."

How can identify the issue in the Cyberoam config that stops it being migrated?



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