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Exclusion list on enterprise console



I used the enterprise console to add an exclusion list, based on the Microsoft Recommandations list  (  ).

 Many exclusion are been added but with somes I have a message by sophos enterprise console.

 For exemple i would like add this file on the exclusion list "‪C:\Windows\System32\dns\ctfr.dn" i choose files on the type.  But enterprise console tell me :

"no valid exclusion chosse on "‪C:\Windows\System32\dns\ctfr.dn"".

 I don't understand the problem, and it's the same message with other files...


Have you got an idea ?


My version of Sophos Enterprise Console is 5.4.0.


Thanks for you help !




Bonjour à tous ! 


J'ai une question concernant la liste d'exclusion Sophos.

J'ai utilisé la enterprise console pour ajouter une liste d'exclusion sur mes serveurs Windows server 2012.

 J'ai suivi la liste de Microsoft ( j'ai ajouté déjà beaucoup d'exclusion de cette liste (fichiers et dossiers).

 Cependant lorsque je veux ajouter certains fichier j'ai un message d'erreur qui apparaît sur ma console sophos : "exlusion non valide saisie C:\Windows\System32\dns\ctfr.dn""


Je ne vois pas d'ou provient le problème ...

Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait une idée ?


Merci de votre aide.




La version de ma console sophos est 5.4.0

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  • Bonjour and hello Ben,

    looks like you've enclosed the path in double quotes - the GUI is not the shell, you don't have to escape the path even if it contains white space.

    And my usual rant, don't start off with exclusions, you very likely don't need them. Please read the article carefully: recommendations that may help an administrator determine the cause of potential instability ... recommend that you temporarily apply ... we recommend that you evaluate the risks that are associated with implementing this workaround ... we do not recommend this workaround (all emphases mine). 


  • Hi Christan, 


    Thank you for your reply !  The quote is just to illustrate the path.

    On the enterprise console i didn't enclose the path in double quotes.


    Show (the screenshots are in french) :

    I choose and write my path

    But when i validn this error message appears


    I have already read this article about de the recommandations ;) 


    Thank you Christian !


    PS : sorry for my english

  • Hello Ben,

    [votre anglais est meilleur que mon français]
    strange - as I can enter it without problems on SEC 5.4.0 (switched to the French GUI). Are any exclusions working or does it reject just files (or even this particular path)? You can Import the exclusions - a plain text file, one exclusion per line (no quotes or escaping, same format as with the GUI). Does this work?


  • Hello,


    Just particulary path are reject by the enterprise console,not all.  But i go to try with the text file.


    I come back toward you after ;)



  • Yes ! It's works !


    I have download the file and i write the exclusion path inside and all it's okay !


    Lot of thank you for your help Christian !


    Bests regards !



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