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Uninfected md5.exe quarantined by Sophos

Sophos Anit-Virus 7.6.17 installed here at work has quarantined my md5.exe utility as being part of something called Mal/EncPk-NS. 

I'm glad we got rid of Norton for Sophos, but if Sophos is so sloppy you brand every utility someone uses in their malware / virus kit as a program that needs to be quarantined, then something is wrong at Sophos.

I've verified that the md5.exe is itself not infected, but Sophos will not let me OK the file and let it out of quarantine.

If Sophos is going to blacklist every good program some idiot includes in a malware kit, then Sophos is going to become useless.

At least let me "authorize" it.




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  • Hi Steve,

    The fix for that sample was published in:

    Tue, 09 Mar 2010 18:08:59

    Once your machines have updated with this IDE the item will be automatically removed from the quarantine manger. If for some reason it's not, please use the 'clear from list' option within the quarantine manager



    Sophos Technical Support

  • Hi Steve,

    The fix for that sample was published in:

    Tue, 09 Mar 2010 18:08:59

    Once your machines have updated with this IDE the item will be automatically removed from the quarantine manger. If for some reason it's not, please use the 'clear from list' option within the quarantine manager



    Sophos Technical Support

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