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Feature Request: Sophos Endpoint Protection - Application Control


I would like to make a couple of feature requests in support of your Endpoint Application Control functionality:

1) Is it possible to have a whitelist functionality to application control, or is there a whitelist somewhere else in endpoint protection that would perform this function?  We find as new applications are added they end up blocking previously allowed applications, typically due to classification in a different category.  The latest experience was the addition of "WebEx Meeting" to the "Instant Messaging" category.  This effectively blocked users attempting to use a previously allowed application - accessed and used the application the day before.  We have noticed it with other applications in the past.  The "All added by Sophos in the future" is a little more liberal that we want to be.

2) Is there a mail list or notification (popup or notification) that sends notices as application are added to application control? If this accompanied the "All added..." feature it may make it more useful as we would know what was added and when allowing users to make needed changes based on their internal policy.  Is there currently such a notification service?




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