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HOWTO submit virus sample via CLI script

The easiest way I found was to use mutt to send the files directly to

Step 1: create a muttrc file with only two lines:

 set from = ''
 set smtp_url = 'smtp://'

Step 2: use this mutrc file to send virus sample:

 mutt -F sophos-mutrc -s "Virus sample I found" -a


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  • I agree that having an hard-coded mail server is not the best thing.

    Submitting samples via the online form is very, very difficult to do if the linux computer doesn't have an X server on it. I tried scripting this via CURL but the javascript was to much for me.

    A small script from Sophos wil be nice, especially since such a script could send other usefull information, like the serial number, linux version, sophos-av version, database version etc.

    Clamav already has clamsubmit and is opensource.

  • I agree that having an hard-coded mail server is not the best thing.

    Submitting samples via the online form is very, very difficult to do if the linux computer doesn't have an X server on it. I tried scripting this via CURL but the javascript was to much for me.

    A small script from Sophos wil be nice, especially since such a script could send other usefull information, like the serial number, linux version, sophos-av version, database version etc.

    Clamav already has clamsubmit and is opensource.

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